
Identifying Fractions on a Number Line

Instructions: Read each question carefully and select the best answer.

Part 1: Identifying Fractions on a Number Line

  1. Which fraction is represented by the point A on the number line below?
0           1/4         1/2         3/4         1
  1. What fraction is represented by the point B on the number line below?
0           1/4         1/2         3/4         1
  1. Which point on the number line below represents the fraction 1/8?
0    1/8   1/4   3/8   1/2   5/8   3/4   7/8   1
  1. What fraction is represented by the point D on the number line below?
0    1/6   1/3   1/2   2/3   5/6    D
  1. Which point on the number line below represents the fraction 1/3?
0    1/6   1/3   1/2   2/3   5/6    1

Part 2: Comparing Fractions on a Number Line

  1. Which fraction is greater, the fraction represented by point E or the fraction represented by point F on the number line below?
0    1/4   1/2   3/4    E     F     1
  1. Which fraction is less, the fraction represented by point G or the fraction represented by point H on the number line below?
0    1/6   1/3   1/2   2/3    G     H
  1. Which fraction is greater, the fraction represented by point I or the fraction represented by point J on the number line below?
0    1/6   1/3    I     J    5/6    1
  1. Which fraction is less, the fraction represented by point K or the fraction represented by point L on the number line below?
0          1/3         2/3          1
          K                        L
  1. Which fraction is greater, the fraction represented by point M or the fraction represented by point N on the number line below?
0    1/4   1/2   3/4   7/8    N     M

Part 3: Identifying Equivalent Fractions on a Number Line

  1. Which point on the number line below represents the fraction 3/4?
0    1/8   1/4   3/8   1/2   5/8   3/4   7/8   1
  1. Which point on the number line below represents an equivalent fraction to 2/5?
0    1/6   1/3   1/2   2/3   5/6    1
  1. Which point on the number line below represents an equivalent fraction to 1/10?
0   1/10  1/5   3/10  2/5   1/2   3/5   7/10  4/5   9/10   1
  1. Which point on the number line below represents an equivalent fraction to 5/6?
0    1/6   1/3   1/2   2/3   5/6    1
  1. Which point on the number line below represents an equivalent fraction to 7/8?
0    1/4   1/2   3/4   7/8    1

Part 4: Mixed Review

  1. Which point on the number line below represents the fraction 4/7?
0   1/9   2/9   1/3   4/9   5/9   2/3   7/9   8/9    1
  1. Which point on the number line below represents the fraction 1/5?
0    1/6   1/3   1/2   2/3   5/6    1
  1. Which fraction is less, the fraction represented by point P or the fraction represented by point Q on the number line below?
0    1/4   1/2   3/4    P     Q     1
  1. Which point on the number line below represents an equivalent fraction to 3/5?
0    1/6   1/3   1/2   2/3   5/6    1
  1. Which point on the number line below represents the fraction 9/10?
0   1/10  1/5   3/10  2/5   1/2   3/5   7/10  4/5   9/10   1

End of Test.