
Multiplying -Digit Numbers with -Digit Numbers Worksheet Test

Instructions: Solve the following problems and write the answers in the spaces provided.

Part 1: Multiplying 2-Digit Numbers with 2-Digit Numbers

  1. 12 x 23 =
  2. 56 x 32 =
  3. 78 x 45 =
  4. 89 x 67 =
  5. 34 x 56 =
  6. 43 x 78 =
  7. 67 x 89 =
  8. 21 x 43 =
  9. 76 x 54 =
  10. 32 x 65 =

Part 2: Multiplying 3-Digit Numbers with 2-Digit Numbers

  1. 123 x 23 =
  2. 456 x 32 =
  3. 789 x 45 =
  4. 890 x 67 =
  5. 234 x 56 =
  6. 543 x 78 =
  7. 678 x 89 =
  8. 321 x 43 =
  9. 765 x 54 =
  10. 432 x 65 =

Part 3: Multiplying 3-Digit Numbers with 3-Digit Numbers

  1. 123 x 234 =
  2. 456 x 321 =
  3. 789 x 345 =
  4. 890 x 567 =
  5. 234 x 456 =
  6. 543 x 789 =
  7. 678 x 890 =
  8. 321 x 543 =
  9. 765 x 876 =
  10. 432 x 987 =

Part 4: Multiplying 4-Digit Numbers with 3-Digit Numbers

  1. 1234 x 234 =
  2. 4567 x 321 =
  3. 7890 x 345 =
  4. 8901 x 567 =
  5. 2345 x 456 =
  6. 5432 x 789 =
  7. 6789 x 890 =
  8. 3210 x 543 =
  9. 7654 x 876 =
  10. 4321 x 987 =

Congratulations on completing the Multiplying -Digit Numbers with -Digit Numbers Worksheet Test!